
Terms of Use

The notlong.com web site is a project intended, but not guaranteed, to be useful.

notlong.com is not responsible for the content of pages to which notlong URLs redirect. The nicknames and associated URLs are entered and managed by anonymous users of the notlong.com service.

Use of a notlong URL on an email, web, or other online or offline service or environment in a manner which is deemed to violate the terms of that service or environment or is illegal in any way is considered an abuse of notlong.com.

If you believe that the notlong.com service is being used in an abusive or illegal manner, please contact us and include the notlong URL in your comments.

notlong.com is designed to shorten URLs to make human communication of URLs simpler. This service is not designed to support traffic for high volume web applications. Ask if you're not sure.

notlong.com reserves the right to discontinue or redirect service at any time and for any reason for any or all notlong URLs, especially if this service is suspected of being abused, or if we can figure out a way to get rich by sending all of the incoming traffic to our own profit center. Just kidding on that last one. You hope.

notlong.com generally tries to protect the privacy of URLs entered, but no guarantee is made in this regard. notlong.com will cooperate fully with law enforcement and other government agencies.

If you have any questions about the use of notlong.com, including whether your use might be considered abusive, please contact us.

Copyright ©2002-2025 notlong.com